Why Sunshine ?

We are a Christian home and operate with Christian values, so while we are mindful of different religious backgrounds your child will be exposed to Christian teachings and Christian values. Discipline and respect are an integral part of our product offering and all disciplinary procedures and requirements will be discussed in detail with you.

Guardianship Services

Sunshine Home caring and welcoming community school situated in a diverse and exciting part of Windhoek. Our aim is to enable all our children to become confident, happy and creative learners, individuals and citizens and we hope that our website tells you a little bit about how we are doing this.


Explore the articles and other resources right here on your site data to learn more about how Joomla works. (When you're done reading, you can delete or archive all of this.) You will also probably want to visit the Beginners' Areas of the Joomla documentation and support forums.

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The basic Joomla installation will let you get a great site up and running, but when you are ready for more features the power of Joomla is in the creative ways that developers have extended it to do all kinds of things. Visit the Joomla! Extensions Directory to see thousands of extensions that can do almost anything you could want on a website. Can't find what you need? You may want to find a Joomla professional in the Joomla! Resource Directory.

Want to learn more? Consider attending a Joomla! Day or other event or joining a local Joomla! Users Group. Can't find one near you? Start one yourself.

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Our Partners

A business–education partnership is involvement between Sunshine Home and business-industry, unions, governments and community organizations. These partnerships are established by agreement between two or more parties to establish goals, and to construct a plan of action for achievement of those goals.

Our Contact Details

No 77 Eros Weg Eros

Windhoek, Namibia

Mobile:+264 81 662 8726

Landline:+264 61 246 296
Fax to email: 088 621 754

Skype ID: efe.agbamu.pote 

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